Saturday 13 April 2019

Basic of Heat Transfer

Simply, Heat transfer or heat is the thermal energy in transit due to a spatial temperature difference. Whenever there exists a temperature difference in a medium or between different mediums, heat transfer must occur. Also, heat is defined as energy transferred by virtue of a temperature difference. It flows from regions of higher temperature to regions of lower temperature. According to the modern or dynamical theory of heat,”Heat is a form of energy. The molecules of a substance are in parallel motion. The mean kinetic energy per molecule of the substance is proportional to its absolute temperature.”

 It is customary to refer to different types of heat transfer mechanisms as modes. The basic modes of heat transfer are conduction, radiation, and convection. When a temperature gradient exists in a stationary medium, which may be a solid or a fluid, we can use the term Conduction to refer to the heat transfer that will occur across the medium. In contrast, the term Convection refers to the heat transfer that will occur between a surface and a moving fluid when they are at different temperatures. The third mode of heat transfer is termed as Thermal radiation. All the surfaces of finite temperature emit energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. Hence, in the absence of an intervening medium, there is net heat transfer by radiation between two surfaces at different temperatures.
The study of heat transfer is carried out for the follows purpose:
·        To estimate the rate of flow of energy as heat through the boundary of a system under study (both under steady and transient conditions),
·        To determine the temperature field under steady and transient conditions.
The areas covered under the discipline of heat transfer are:
·        Internal combustion engines,
·        Thermal control of space vehicles,
·        Design of thermal and nuclear power plants
·        Refrigeration and air conditioning units,
·        Design of cooling systems for electric motors, generators and transformers,
·        Dispersion of atmospheric pollutants,
·        Construction of dams and structures; minimization of building-heat losses using improved insulation techniques.

Application areas of Heat Transfer:
Heat transfer is commonly encountered in engineering systems and other aspects of life, and one does not need to go very far to see some application areas of heat transfer. In fact, one does not need to go anywhere. The human body is constantly rejecting heat to its surroundings, and human comfort is closely tied to the rate of this heat rejection. We try to control this heat transfer rate by adjusting our clothing to the environmental conditions. Many
ordinary household appliances are designed, in whole or in part, by using the principles of heat transfer. Some examples include the electric or gas range, the heating and air-conditioning system, the refrigerator and freezer, the water heater, the iron, and even the computer, the TV, and the VCR. Of course, energy-efficient homes are
designed on the basis of minimizing heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer. Heat transfer plays a major role in the design of many other devices, such as car radiators, solar collectors, various components of power plants, and even spacecraft. The optimal insulation thickness in the walls and roofs of the houses, on hot water or steam pipes, or on water heaters is again determined on the basis of a heat transfer analysis with economic consideration.

Historical Background:
Heat has always been perceived to be something that produces in us a sensation of warmth, and one would think that the nature of heat is one of the first things understood by mankind. But it was only in the middle of the nineteenth century that we had a true physical understanding of the nature of heat, thanks to the development at that time of the kinetic theory, which treats molecules as tiny balls that are in motion and thus possess kinetic energy. Heat is then defined as the energy associated with the random motion of atoms and molecules. Although it was suggested in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries that heat is the manifestation of motion at the molecular level (called the live force), the prevailing view of heat until the middle of the nineteenth century was based on the caloric theory proposed by the French chemist Antoine Lavoisier (1743–1794) in 1789. The caloric theory asserts that heat is a fluid like substance called the caloric that is a mass less, colorless, odorless, and tasteless substance that can be poured from one body into another. When caloric was added to a body, its temperature increased; and when caloric was removed from a body, its temperature decreased. When a body could not contain any more caloric, much the same way as when a glass of water could not dissolve any more salt or sugar, the body was said to be saturated with caloric. This interpretation gave rise to the terms saturated liquid and saturated vapor that are still in use today. The caloric theory came under attack soon after its introduction. It maintained that heat is a substance that could not be created or destroyed. Yet it was known that heat can be generated indefinitely by rubbing one’s hands together or rubbing two pieces of wood together. In 1798, the American Benjamin Thompson (Count Rumford) (1753–1814) showed in his papers that heat can be generated continuously through friction. The validity of the caloric theory was also challenged by several others. But it was the careful experiments of the Englishman James P. Joule (1818–1889) published in 1843 that finally convinced the skeptics that heat was not a substance after all, and thus put the caloric theory to rest. Although the caloric theory was totally abandoned in the middle of the nineteenth century, it contributed greatly to the development of thermodynamics and heat transfer.
Engineering Heat Transfer:
Heat transfer equipment such as heat exchangers, boilers, condensers, radiators, heaters, furnaces, refrigerators, and solar collectors are designed primarily on the basis of heat transfer analysis. The heat transfer problems encountered in practice can be considered in two groups:
(1) rating and
(2) sizing problems.
The rating problems deal with the determination of the heat transfer rate for an existing system at a specified temperature difference. The sizing problems deal with the determination of the size of a system in order to transfer heat at a specified rate for a specified temperature difference. A heat transfer process or equipment can be studied either experimentally (testing
and taking measurements) or analytically (by analysis or calculations). The experimental approach has the advantage that we deal with the actual physical system, and the desired quantity is determined by measurement, within the limits of experimental error. However, this approach is expensive, time-consuming, and often impractical. Besides, the system we are analyzing may not even exist. For example, the size of a heating system of a building must usually be determined before the building is actually built on the basis of the dimensions and specifications given. The analytical approach (including numerical approach) has the advantage that it is fast and inexpensive, but the results obtained are subject to the accuracy of the assumptions and idealizations made in the analysis. In heat transfer studies, often a good compromise is reached by reducing the choices to just a few by analysis, and then verifying the findings experimentally.

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